In the TECH BOYS and GIRLS column, Lucilla La Puma interviews Tiziana Tronci

"Gefond's projects - HPDC and Perpetual - aim to bring about real change in the foundry industry and beyond. For me, the real challenge is to raise awareness in the foundry world to take a step forward by using digital and sustainable technologies. There is still much to be done in the foundry industry, much potential and many opportunities."

it is discussed on Automation Today No.1-24

"The automotive sector is in a major technological transition: from the combustion engine to the electric car. This involves a consequent upheaval in the world of manufacturing. I am referring in particular to aluminum die-casting foundries that produce endothermic engine parts. The solutions that are emerging are not only diversification and the possibility of turning to new modes of production, but the choice of using new technologies capable of being energy saving, optimizing the production process, intervening in material and energy saving, and reducing environmental impact and waste."

Read the full article

HPDC by Gefond thermoregulation controllers and Perpetual predictive maintenance software are solutions that can lower your energy consumption and give you tax benefits under the new Transition 5.0 Plan.

The Transition 5.0 plan targets companies that will make new investments in production facilities in Italy in 2024-2025 as part of innovation projects that will achieve a reduction in energy consumption